台灣商會非常難得的邀請到 華僑之聲CHMB AM1320 的總裁 James Ho 賀鳴笙先生 以及 卑詩省台灣商會的創會長 Tai Yao 姚鈦先生 與大家近距離的分享各自的創業歷程,並現場回答年輕企業家的創業相關問題。
為了讓每一位與會者能有足夠的時間做更深入的交流,活動名額有限,請大家盡早報名,把握機會!本次兩場活動會員免費,非有效會員每場 $10。
報名專線:604-771-8585 or
Email: info@tccbc.ca
TCCBC Live Your Dream Series: Part IV - Meeting James Ho
Date: February 28th, 2020
Time: 2PM - 4PM
Location: The Deck Kitchen + Bar
3500 Cessna Drive, Richmond, BC, V7B 1C7
非台灣商會會員請至 Eventbrite 報名。
TCCBC Live Your Dream Series: Part V - Meeting Tai Yao
Date: March 3rd, 2020
Time: 1PM - 3PM
Location: Ponoma Coffee
1010-8300 Capstan Way, Richmond, BC, V6X 4B7
非台灣商會會員請至 Eventbrite 報名。
TCCBC 2020 Career Fair
Connect with employers at TCCBC 2020 Career Fair.
Date: April 4th, 2020
Time: 1PM - 4PM
Location: Richmond City Centre Community centre
求職者請至 Eventbrite 報名參加。
If you are a hiring manager and want to be included in the event, please contact TCCBC office at (604)771-8585.
Join TCCBC at Vancouver Sun
一年一度的 Vancouver Sun Run 已經開始報名了!今年 TCCBC 將組隊參加這項溫哥華最大型的路跑活動,有興趣加入我們的朋友們請將您的名字、EMAIL、聯絡電話寄到 info@tccbc.ca,與商會的好朋友們一起報名參加。
Date: April 19th, 2020
Time: Starts at 9AM
Food Taipei Pre-Show Press Conference
溫哥華台灣貿易中心 (TAITRA) 將於 2020年3月4日(星期三)於列治文市區Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel辦理推廣台北國際食品展及展覽說明
Date: March 4, 2020 (Wednesday)
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Venue: Westminster Salon, Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel
(7551 Westminster Hwy, Richmond BC V6X 1A3)
Representatives from Canadian food importers and agricultural industries will be able to get an early insight into what to expect at Food Taipei 2020 (June 17-20, 2020).
Food Taipei is one of the largest of its kind in Asia, connecting approximately 64, 000 growers, manufacturers, industry experts, and entrepreneurs in the food industry from 40 countries annually. The exhibition is the largest Asian platform for quality food procurement and serves as an important gateway for Canadian and Taiwanese food producers, importers, and suppliers.
The press conference will be held by Taiwan Trade Centre, Vancouver at the Westminster Salon of the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond, BC, on Wednesday, March 4, 2020, from 2-4PM.
To RSVP, please click the link here
Official Event Page: https://vancouver.taiwantrade.com/event/detail?id=10874
卑詩省台灣商會2020年新春團拜慶元宵 圓滿成功!
與往年一樣,感謝Lulu Island Winery經理Leo 不但帶著大家參觀酒莊,且細心的解說葡萄酒的相關知識,更提供多款葡萄美酒給大家品嚐。既然有美酒,那當然就少不了由MYST Asian Fusion所提供的美食啦!
元宵節,不免俗的當然要猜燈謎及吃湯圓來應應景。理事Tony Lin風趣幽默的主持,現場一連串有趣的猜燈謎及擲骰子遊戲讓大人小孩一起同歡,抽不完的紅包讓大家金鼠年發發發!
Lulu Island Winery, BIOESQUE, 覓食Myst, 京園牛肉麵
法人會員:Jovi Realty
Jovi Realty is a Vancouver-based real estate firm. It has over 120 agents and is continually growing. Due to the continued growth of the business, Jovi Realty is expanding its real estate services to Richmond, a vibrant and fast-growing city, to provide our clients and real estate professionals with local expertise and global reach. Our areas cover residential and commercial trading & leasing services, property management, land acquisition, and project marketing.
卓威地產公司位於溫哥華市,擁有超過 120位專業房地產經理人。由於持續增加的客戶和業務需求,卓威地產(列治文) Jovi Realty Richmond在2020年元月,已正式來到列治文市為更多的客戶提供一站式全方位的專業地產服務。服務的項目除了住宅商業物業的買賣及出租管理之外更包含了土地整合和地產開發及地產相關投資項目的規劃。
尚未繳交28屆 (2019年7月 to 2020年6月) 會費的會員,可以上網信用卡付費,更為省時方便
Membership Renewal
If you haven't paid your renewal fee for July 2018 to June 2019, Please use our online payment services. It is secured and convenient.
Please visit
- 個人會員 Individual Member $120
- 法人會員 Corporate Member $180
- 贊助個人會員 Non-voting Individual Member $120
- 贊助法人會員 Non-voting Corporate Member $180
- 永久會員 Permanent Member
(個人永久會費 CAD$2,000元; 法人永久會費 CAD$3,000元)
新會員需另付 $100 註冊費