Why join tCCBC? 為什麼要加入TCCBC? |
Joining Taiwan Chamber of Commerce in B.C. can be a smart move for your business. Because businesses that participate in this group promote each other and work together, your own business can grow and prosper quickly. Here are the top reasons why you should join TCCBC.
以下是您值得加入 TCCBC 的原因。
商會的活動與計畫 TCCBC’s events and programs provide members with great opportunities to get to know new people and expand their prospect base. Our events are innovative and fun ways to help members meet potential customers, clients and vendors. TCCBC 舉辦活動提供會員認識新朋友、擴展潛在客戶的好機會。我們的活動以創新和有趣的方式進行,幫助會員拓展潛在客戶及供應商。
建立商業連結 Our fundamental mission is to generate more business activity for the community. TCCBC initiates more business-to-business commerce and more opportunities for networking and connecting local professionals than is available through most other local organizations. TCCBC的基礎任務是創造更多的商機,相較其他的社團,TCCBC提供更多企業間的商務交流以及接觸專業人士的機會。
推廣和宣傳 With a TCCBC membership, you can reach potential clients through member exclusive advertising and opportunities for business-to-business advertising and publicity. TCCBC的會員可以擁有會員專屬廣告以及商業間的宣傳機會以用來接觸潛在客戶。
創造交流機會 TCCBC has numerous committees and serving on one of them provides numerous networking opportunities as well as professional leadership development. You can build your business while promoting developments of keen interest to local businesses and the community at large. TCCBC提供不同的服務機會,參與活動能獲得豐富的人際網路以及發展您卓越的領導能力,在促進會員交流及發展的同時,您也可以拓展自己的人脈及事業。 |
提升您的知名度 As a new member of TCCBC, you may be listed in our newsletter, on Facebook and can have the opportunity to be highlighted in other chamber publications. You also can grow your business by advertising with us and sponsoring events. 作為TCCBC的新成員,您可以被發佈在我們的通訊及Facebook 上,並有機會在商會的出版刊物中特別刊登,可以透過這些宣傳及廣告來拓展自己的事業及知名度。
You can increase positive perception among consumers and business owners when you’re identified as a member of TCCBC. If you make it known that your product or service makes great client or employee gifts, you could wind up with a very nice flow of business from your fellow members. 當你被視為是TCCBC的成員時,你可以增加消費者及其他企業對你的正面印象,如果成員們你知道您提供的產品或服務可以讓客戶、員工非常滿意,那麼你可以從其他社團成員獲得非常好的商譽及迴響。
獲得客戶介紹和推薦 Every day, we receives calls from individuals and businesses looking for potential vendors, and we typically recommend our members. 我們幾乎每天都會接到個人或企業會員想要尋找潛在的供應商,我們通常都會推薦我們的會員。
收到最新消息通知 Newsletters provide new member information, interesting information about operating a local business, articles about the local community, a community calendar and details about up-and-coming chamber events, among other things. 獲得TCCBC的通訊,內容將會包括:新會員資訊、經營當地企業的實用資訊、有關當地社區的文章、商會行事曆、商會即將舉行的活動及其他詳細資訊等 |