Tomorrow is THE DAY!!
台灣商會 2019聖誕化裝晚會
Tomorrow is THE DAY!! TCCBC would like to invite you to our 2019 Christmas Masquerade Party!
請嘉賓們著正裝出席,搭配 紅/白 色系服裝配飾。現場備有面具供大家使用,也歡迎晚宴嘉賓配戴自己專屬的精美面具喔!
Date: Saturday 2019/12/21
Time: Party starts 6:00pm (Registration/Reception at 5:30pm)
Price: $120/person 購票請至 Eventbrite
Location: Seasons in the Park
Queen Elizabeth Park (West 33rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC)
Bring your family and friends, come celebrate with us this Christmas season! Fancy up and enjoy a night of masquerading in the romantic QE Park over looking the beautiful City of Vancouver. This will be another unforgettable night for our TCCBC families and friends to catch-up and reconnect before 2019 ends! DON’T MISS OUT!
Seats are limited, please purchase your tickets before they are gone!
Lucky Draw prizes:
太陽馬戲團LUZIA入場券 2張 x 2 組
台灣商會 企業講座圓滿成功
TCCBC’s Live Your Dream Seminar held at RBC Marine Gateway was a great opportunity not only to learn from the experts, but also to learn from other people’s experiences.
台灣商會本屆的夢想起飛系列講座:「創業成功秘笈」Part I 在三位專家精彩的演說及本地台商的創業經驗分享中圓滿落幕。
再一次感謝BCSUN & Associates Inc. - BCSUN 聯合會計師事務所 孫光芬會計師(台灣商會第24屆會長),RBC皇家銀行Jason Chen及Blanca Lending Quinton Chan (本屆台灣商會秘書長),Youneed Massage Chair 高登按摩椅 高銘發先生(台灣商會第25屆會長),Taipak Enterprises Ltd. Joey Lin (台灣商會理事)熱情贊助的Beard Papa's Sweet Cafe點心及RBC提供如此舒適的場地,讓大家相互交流、學習與成長。
Are you an entrepreneur? Do you have a story to tell? We would love to hear your entrepreneurial journey and share with the members and friends of TCCBC.
Refreshment: Taipak Enterprises Ltd.; Beard Papa's Sweet Cafe
Event Venue: RBC Marine Gateway
台灣商會 會員聯誼+企業參訪圓滿成功
Another successful TCCBC networking event, this time hosted at Miix Interiors. Thank you Vivian, Emily and Hans for sharing your beautiful entrepreneurial journey with the members and friends of TCCBC.
台灣商會本月的會員聯誼活動來到了28屆新加入的法人會員Miix Interiors參訪 。現場的每一個角落都充滿著美的氣息,還有貼心準備的美味的點心及飲料,溫馨的氣氛感染了在場的每一位會員及朋友們。不但有新舊會員相互交流,更見到了許多新面孔,很開心見到大家的熱烈互動,並更進一步的認識彼此,這也是商會不定期的舉辦此類型的群體聯誼活動的用意。
今天非常感謝鄧家姊弟Vivian, Emily 及Hans與大家分享「家人共同創業」的點滴歷程。雖然難免會有不同的意見,但相互溝通學習、相互扶持,使得一家人的連結更緊密。實現夢想不是不可能,如何從自家車庫做到今天擁有幾萬呎的倉庫,年輕創業家的堅持,是我們今天在這美麗的一家人身上所看到的,也是值得我們學習的。
溫哥華國際村新年展售攤位開放出租囉!展期為2020年1月24日 至 2020年1月26日,為期三天,去年估計有 7 萬多名遊客前往參加,絕對是您拓展商機,建立品牌形象的好機會。為了增加多元性並豐富展覽內容,國際村特別提供台灣商會會員8折優惠(20% OFF)。有興趣的會員請直接與 Katherine Chan 聯絡!
Katherine Chan, Promotion Event Coordinator
International Village Mall
2127-88 Pender St West Vancouver, B C V6B 6N9 www.internationalvillagemall.ca
T: 604-646-1081/ C: 778-879-5415
尚未繳交28屆 (2019年7月 to 2020年6月) 會費的會員,可以上網信用卡付費,更為省時方便
Membership Renewal
If you haven't paid your renewal fee for July 2018 to June 2019, Please use our online payment services. It is secured and convenient.
Please visit
- 個人會員 Individual Member $120
- 法人會員 Corporate Member $180
- 贊助個人會員 Non-voting Individual Member $120
- 贊助法人會員 Non-voting Corporate Member $180
- 永久會員 Permanent Member
(個人永久會費 CAD$2,000元; 法人永久會費 CAD$3,000元)
新會員需另付 $100 註冊費