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TCCBC March 18th, 2020 Newsletter

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 17:06 | Anonymous

Dear TCCBC Members and Friends.

Due to the rapidly evolving public health situation surrounding COVID-19, work and home life schedules have been disrupted and numerous events have been cancelled. We all know this uncertainty around COVID-19 will continue to impact our lives for the next little while. As an organization, TCCBC’s number one priority is always the health and safety of our members and friends. And I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some updates of what we are doing to help keep members, sponsors, and partners safe during these times.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, TCCBC has been closely monitoring the rapid evolving situation. As the B.C. government has officially declared a public health emergency, it has become very clear that TCCBC has to take a proactive approach to safeguard the health and safety of our members and the public. Here is what you can expect to see in our upcoming scheduled events: 


March 26, 2020 - Yang Ming Shipping Information Session and Networking ***Change to ONLINE CONFERENCE***

March 29, 2020 - Tax Seminar ***CANCELLED***

April 4, 2020 - Career Fair ***CANCELLED***

April 18, 2020 - Now and Future of Vancouver ***POSTPONED till further notice***

May 23, 2020 - TCCBC Dream 2020 Gala ***POSTPONED till further notice***

June 26, 2020 - TCCBC 29th Annual General Meeting +++AS SCHEDULED and will re-evaluate+++

These decisions do not come lightly, but public health and safety are at the forefront of every decision we make in regards to COVID-19. We sincerely thank you for your understanding. We remain hopeful that the situation improves quickly and we look forward to connecting with you soon.


COVID-19 resources

BC Centre for DiseaseControl  

HealthCanada: COVID-19 Prevention and Risks 

World Health Organization advice to the public


尚未繳交28屆 (2019年7月 to 2020年6月) 會費的會員,可以上網信用卡付費,更為省時方便

Membership Renewal
If you haven't paid your renewal fee for July 2018 to June 2019, Please use our online payment services. It is secured and convenient. 

Please visit


  • 個人會員 Individual Member                              $120
  • 法人會員 Corporate Member                             $180
  • 贊助個人會員 Non-voting Individual Member    $120
  • 贊助法人會員 Non-voting Corporate Member   $180
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    (個人永久會費 CAD$2,000元; 法人永久會費 CAD$3,000元)

新會員需另付 $100 註冊費

+1 604 771 8585
1210-6388 No. 3 Rd, Richmond, BC V6Y 0L4


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