個人會員:Tony Kuo
Tony Y.H. Kuo is a lawyer in Sedai Law Office. He practises immigration law, assisting clients with their Canadian immigration (both temporary and permanent residence) and citizenship applications. He is licensed to practice law in British Columbia. He is a member of the Canadian Bar Association Immigration Section.
法人會員:3 Quarters Full
踏入 West end Comox St 的 3 Quarters Full Cafe,第一個被吸引的是它乾淨、寬敞、舒適的空間,出乎預料的,menu 上竟是台灣的美食,還有純手工製作的甜點,美麗的展示櫃看到的每一樣美食都讓人忍不住垂涎三尺!
1789 Comox St, Vancouver
TUE: Closed
個人會員:Viven Chou
Vivien Chou 目前是精油的健康倡導顧問跟精油主題講師。每個星期都會安排不同的精油課程,包含DIY精油口紅跟眼霜,頭療,精油刮痧,或是其他精油的居家保健。若有Non profit社團對這方面的課程有興趣,Vivien也可以為您們開課。第一堂課的所得可以捐給社團。歡迎跟Vivien聯絡喔!
我們專營有機食品,主要來自台灣里仁的產品; 本拿比,列治文都有分店,歡光臨指教。
電話: 604-454-0033, 604-275-5678
地址: 5270 Imperial Street, Burnaby
電話: 604-273-3382, 604-273-3389
地址: #780-4400 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond (新時代廣場)
台灣位於北迴歸線上,地處熱帶及亞熱帶地區,四面環海,生態類型豐富多樣,生產出各種鮮甜可口的蔬果,也因此台灣擁有 「水果王國」的美譽。
為協助台灣生鮮蔬果拓展國際市場,建立優質品質形象,台灣農業委員會特委託外貿協會(TAITRA)為專案管理單位,今(2019)年8月9至19日由T & T Supermarket (大統華超市)執行在加拿大西部的「2019年第二場台灣蔬果節行銷計畫」,希望能讓台灣優質農產品在加拿大紮根,讓更多海外人士認識台灣蔬果的美好!誠摯地邀請您前來參加8月10日(六)上午10:00在本拿比市Metrotown大統華超市(T & T Supermarket Metrotown, Burnaby)所舉辦的「2019年第二場台灣蔬果節」開幕典禮。敬請參考以下大統華連鎖超市的試吃活動地點與時間,歡迎來免費品嚐及購買優質的台灣蔬果!
【The 2nd Taiwan Fruits & Vegetables Festival 2019】
The Formosa Taiwan is located in the heart of the tropical and subtropical region. The beautiful island is surrounded by the placid ocean and known for its rich ecological diversity. The nourishing eco-environment has been amazingly beneficial for Taiwan’s agricultural advantages. For years Taiwan has been cultivating countless varieties of world-famous scrumptious fruits and vegetables that are both appealing and luscious, earning its well-deserved title as the “Kingdom of Fruits.
The Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan authorized the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) as the project management unit to promote the wonderful fruits and vegetables from Taiwan. In Western Canada, T & T Supermarket Inc. is assigned to implement the 2nd “Taiwan Fruits & Vegetables Marketing Project” in 2019. Our goal is to promote more Taiwan agricultural products to Canada and establish the excellent brand image of Taiwan fruits and vegetables throughout international markets.
We cordially invite you to attend “the 2nd Taiwan Fruits & Vegetables Festival 2019” opening ceremony on August 10, Saturday, 10:00 am at T & T Supermarket Metrotown, Burnaby. We welcome you to bring your family and friends for free fruit samples. Please refer to the following locations of T & T Supermarket. Looking forward to seeing you there!
時間:2019 年9月8日 7PM (6:30 PM 入場)
地點:Michael J.Fox Theatre
7373 MacPherson Ave, Burnaby, BC
會員票價:CAD 20
購票請洽卑詩省台灣商會 info@tccbc.ca 604-771-8585
Sporting Goods 2020 Press Conference
Briefing on TAIPEI CYCLE & TaiSpo Industry
Date: September 27, 2019 (Friday)
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
Venue: The Boardroom, Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
(900 West Georgia Street, Vancouver BC V6C 2W6)
溫哥華台灣貿易中心將於今(2019)年9月27日(星期五)於溫哥華市區Fairmont Hotel Vancouver 辦理推廣台灣自行車展及體育用品展及展覽說明會,除介紹台灣相關產業實力及最新展覽資訊外,外貿協會亦特別邀請全球知名加國自行車媒體Pinkbike及加拿大自行車產業公司於會中分享來台灣參加「台北國際自行車展」的經驗。
You are cordially invited to attend the press conference to be held by Taiwan Trade Center, Vancouver (TAITA) at the Fairmont Hotel in Vancouver, BC on September 27, Friday. Representatives from Canadian cycling and sporting goods industries will be able to get an early insight into what to expect at Taipei Int’l Cycle Show and Taipei Int’l Sporting Goods Show (TaiSPO) 2020.
Time |
Content |
13:00-14:00 |
Registration |
14:00-14:05 |
Welcome Remarks by Director
Taiwan Trade Centre, Vancouver (TTCV)
http://vancouver.taiwantrade.com |
14:05-14:30 |
Title: Taiwan Cycling & Sporting Goods Industries
Speaker: Taiwan Trade Center Vancouver |
14:30-15:00 |
Title: Taiwan, Your Best Cycling Partner
Speaker: local cycle companies |
15:00-15:20 |
Title: Connecting the Consumer to Taipei Cycle:
Pinkbike and the global power of digital media.
Speaker: Pinkbike
http://www.pinkbike.com |
15:20-15:30 |
Q&A |
15:30- 16:00 |
Tea Reception |
For more information, please visit:
時間: 7月30日下午7時 / 8月1日下午7時
地點: Annex Theatre
823 Seymour Street, Vancouver
購票請聯絡台加文化協會 604-267-0901
尚未繳交28屆 (2019年7月 to 2020年6月) 會費的會員,可以上網信用卡付費,更為省時方便
Membership Renewal
If you haven't paid your renewal fee for July 2018 to June 2019, Please use our online payment services. It is secured and convenient.
Please visit
- 個人會員 Individual Member $120
- 法人會員 Corporate Member $180
- 贊助個人會員 Non-voting Individual Member $120
- 贊助法人會員 Non-voting Corporate Member $180
- 永久會員 Permanent Member
(個人永久會費 CAD$2,000元; 法人永久會費 CAD$3,000元)
新會員需另付 $100 註冊費